Our Roots....
NAR Wants Checks on Seizure of Business Records
Business associations find the Patriot Act may result in some burdensome regulations threatening their ability to do business. These groups endorsed amendments limiting the federal government’s ability to access confidential business records. One of the organizations to sign the endorsement was the National Association of Realtors (NAR). NAR says that…
Commercial Real Estate Hot in NEPA
With signs the commercial real estate market in Northeastern Pennsylvania has heated up, Hinerfeld Realty in Scranton has ditched selling homes to focus exclusively on selling offices, stores, warehouse and factories. The high-profile real estate firm, which has operated separate commercial and residential divisions, has gone all commercial and is…
Hinerfeld Consulted for Real Estate Article for Times Leader

After homegrown firms have gone it alone for years, local real estate and economic development professionals welcome the growing interest from outside companies. For-profit firms First Industrial Realty-Trust of Chicago, Verus Partners and Higgins Development Partners of Rosemont, Ill. and others have entered the market within the past few years,…