Some Locals Priced Out of Own Neighborhoods

It has been stated that one person’s gain is another person’s pain. This appears to be the situation with the housing market in NEPA, particularly in regard to shelter for the poor. Mike Hanley, executive director of the United Neighborhood Centers (UNC) of Lackawanna County, explains that Money magazine is…

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Helping Hands

The cost of doing business can be much higher for the poor, with a wide variety of businesses offering needed goods and services that are priced at higher than optimum levels. Popular opinion indicates that many of these businesses are preying on individuals who have placed themselves in unfortunate economic…

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Cognetti Represents Buyers in SNB Plaza Sale

Positive changes in downtown Scranton prompted a group of local investors this week to purchase the SNB Plaza at Lackawanna and Washington avenues. The group led by Taylor contractor Carl Scartelli purchased the 49,000-square-foot building for $1.1 million. Mr. Scartelli said development downtown and the pending reconstruction and streetscaping of…

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