Popular artist takes lease on Watres Armory

Published: April 26, 2015  — The Times – Tribune An American artist known for colorful pictures of birds and rabbits and a compulsion for collecting is leasing the Watres Armory in Scranton and pledges to preserve the building. What Hunt Slonem, the Manhattan-based artist, will do with the building is…

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John receives letter of thanks

John, I would like to thank you for all of the hard work you put into making this deal happen. It would not have been completed without your expertise. Your professionalism, commitment and knowledge of the market, the players and this property were all required to make this happen. I…

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Wilkes-Barre: ‘No one wanted to go Act 47’

By Dave Gardner The financial voyage Wilkes-Barre is now embarked upon may not be completely smooth sailing, but many regional analysts believe it will keep the city’s ship is afloat — unlike conditions in Scranton. Wilkes-Barre, with a population of approximately 42,000 residents throughout 7.2 square miles, is the county…

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